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Spencer Jackson

Studio #323

Drawing, coloring, and creating artworks are some of my first memories. From crude 2-dimentional drawing and sketches in the margins of my schoolwork to the large paintings and collages I create today, making visual media has always been an integral part of my life. I started painting at a larger scale a few years ago after a trip to NYC with my father to visit the hundreds of galleries that dot the city streets. Something about standing in front of massive artworks is not only daunting but inviting, and often I find it engages the me in ways that smaller scale works can’t achieve . The works l’ve been creating recently can best be described as collage on canvas, with heavy influence from the works of David Salle and the collaborative show between Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol. I really enjoy the movement that comes with the creation of larger scale pieces, the up-scaling of smaller logos and items, and the interplay of the layers, often making the eye work harder to determine whether some layers are above or pelow others. I hope you enjoy the works and I’m excited to evolve and experiment with different styles of creation as I grow.